About The Department
"The country which is in advance of the rest of the world in chemistry will also be fore most in wealth and in general prosperity. – William Ramsay"
It is the largest department of the college. All faculty members strive hard in laying down strong conceptual foundation amongst its students. The department takes extra step to imparting rigorous academic training by conducting various programmes such as lecture series on Nobel prize, Invited Talks, Certificate course, Industrial visits etc. The department has a long list of eminent alumni who have carved out a niche for themselves in various walks of life and have brought laurels to the department.
Under the CBCS system the subject of chemistry is offered with different combinations. The syllabus brought out by Board of Studies in chemistry of VNSGU is followed. The syllabus broadly comprises of various topics on Physical Chemistry, In-Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. Advance topics on drugs, dyes and green chemistry are also taught to give a flavour of the current developments.
Looking at the plethora of Pharmaceutical, Dyes and Intermediates, Insecticide and pesticide, the department has a post graduate centre of VNSGU with specialization in Organic Chemistry under the CBCS system. The department has well equipped laboratories necessary for imparting quality education. It also has a few modern equipment used for analytical purposes. Many of our students have successfully cleared competitive examinations like NET, SET, TOEFL, IELTS etc.
1. Certificate course in Fundamental Chemistry
Head Of Department
Dr. Hemlata D. Desai
Head Of Department
Faculty Members
Dr. Sandip A. Joshi
Associate Professor
Dr. Ketan C. Desai
Associate Professor
Dr. Hetalkumar B. Gajjar
Associate Professor
Dr. Sambhav P. Vora
Associate Professor
Dr. Mukesh H. Chaudhari
Associate Professor
Dr. Bhavesh M. Patel
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ketan C. Parmar
Assistant Professor
Dr. Nimesh R. Kamdar
Assistant Professor
Dr. Sutapa Mondal Roy
Adhyapak Sahayak
Dr. Ishanki G. Bhardwaj
Adhyapak Sahayak
Dr. Amitkumar C. Purohit
Adhyapak Sahayak
Dr. Chiragkumar B. Mistry
Adhyapak Sahayak
Mr. Rajesh Jamod
Lab. Assistant
Mr. Dhaneshkumar D. More
Temporary Full Time Lab. Assistant
Nilkumar V. Patel
Temporary Full Time Lab. Assistant
Mr. Mahesh P. Patel
Lab. Peon
Mr. Chetan R. Patel
Temporary Full Time Peon
Mr. Raju M. Naika
Temporary Full Time Peon
Mr. Jayendrasinh K. Rathod
Temporary Full Time Peon
Mr. Mehul P. Alange
Temporary Full Time Peon
Mr. Mazhar Mirza
Temporary Full Time Peon
Dr. Mimanshaben Purvesh Mali
Adhyapak Sahayak