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Sir P. T. Sarvajanik College of Science (Autonomous)

Re-Accredited A+ with CGPA 3.35


About The Department

"The laws of physics is the canvas God laid down on which to paint his masterpiece - Dan Brown"

Physics, deals with the structure of matter and the interactions between the fundamental constituents of the observable universe. The department lays emphases on academic excellence and offers students an excellent ambience to explore. The department has strong collaboration/linkages with premier institute like IASc, TIFR, ISRO, IISER, IISc., KAPS. The department regularly organises invited talks, certificate course, sky gazing programs and education visits to National institutes. The department takes extra measure in training student for various competitive examination. A special emphasis is given to develop analytical problem solving abilities of the students.


The under graduate program in Physics adopts CBCS system and implements the curriculum design by VNSGU. The course covers vide spectrum of topics from mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, Morden physics, Quantum Physics, Electronics, Nuclear & Partial Physics. The curriculum is taught with an aim to lay strong foundation of fundamental concepts. So that it provides the right launching pad for career in research in physics.

The department initiated its Master’s Programme in Nuclear Physics in the year 2016 with its aspiration to emphasize on the need of the Nuclear Science in coming years. Our mission is to help students explore and connect physics with the world around them, and enable them to stay connected with science through research and academia. For project work, students are sent to KAPS to get first hand exposure to working of Nuclear Power Station and interact with scientist at KAPS. Moreover, to this department constantly encourages and guides its students to appear and pass exams like NRT, SET so that they can build their career in research.

  1. Course in Arduino Programming and Interfacing
  2. Foundation course in Physics
  3. Advance course in Physics
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Head Of Department


Prof. Sadanand A. Sutar

Head Of Department

Faculty Members


Prof. Viresh H. Thakkar

Associate Professor


Dr. Nisha D. Patel

Assistant Professor


Dr. Dhirajbhai B. Shah

Assistant Professor


Prof. Bhupeshkumar J. Lad

Associate Professor


Dr. Naveen Kumar Singh

Adhyapak Sahayak


Dr. Jenishkumar D. Patel

Adhyapak Sahayak


Mr. Manish N. Mahadik

Lab. Assistant


Ms. Krishan Chevli

Temporary Full Time Lab. Assistant


Mr. Vikas P. Kalgude

Temporary Full Time Peon


Mr. Ketan D. Patil

Temporary Full Time Peon


Mr. Jay Rever

Temporary Full Time Peon