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Sir P. T. Sarvajanik College of Science (Autonomous)

Re-Accredited A+ with CGPA 3.35



The institute runs three NSS units (capacity of 300 students) with the help of three NSS Programme officers.


The Motto of NSS "Not Me But You", reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service. NSS helps the student development & appreciation to other person's point of view and also show consideration towards other living beings. The philosophy of the NSS is a good doctrine in this motto, which underlines on the belief that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole and therefore, the NSS volunteers shall strive for the well-being of the society.

Regular Activities:

NSS volunteers generally work in villages, slums and voluntary agencies during an academic year. As per the fundamental principles of National Service Scheme, a volunteer is expected to remain in constant touch with the community therefore, Special Camping forms an integral part of National Service Scheme. It has special appeal to the youth as it provides unique opportunities to the students for group living, collective experience sharing and constant interaction with community. The NSS volunteer is to live with the members of the community during the 7 days Special Camping Programme and learn from their experience.

Following are some broad areas of regular activities of NSS:

    Environment Enrichment and Conservation:
    Health, Family Welfare and Nutrition Programme:
    Programmes aimed at creating an awareness for improvement of the status of women:
    Social Service Programmes:
    Relief & Rehabilitation work during Natural Calamities:
    Education and Recreations:
NSS Activity Photographs