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Sir P. T. Sarvajanik College of Science (Autonomous)

Re-Accredited A+ with CGPA 3.35

Perspective Plan

Perspective Plan


The IQAC of an institution is an overarching body which drives the engine of quality consciousness and sustenance. The IQAC is proactively involved in planning, guiding and monitoring Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Enhancement (QE) activities of the institution. The Institute IQAC has undertaken the task of designing a Perspective Plan for a progressive growth in academic as well as administrative matters. The quality check points specified by NAAC in terms of various criterion in the NAAC manual are taken into account and a set of key points are derived as the beacon to guide and achieve the set goals. In the preparation of the Perspective Plan, the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college has taken initiatives to obtain inputs from all stakeholders viz, the management, Principal, the faculty, the administrative staff, students of the college, the Alumni Association of the college, the parents and the peer colleagues. Stakeholders’ expectations, management policies, goals, objectives, vision, the mission statement of the college and the quality policy of the college are also considered as a base for the formulation of the perspective plan.

Curricular Aspects

  • To introduce new post graduate degree programs and add-on certificate courses.
  • To promote the faculty members to participate in curriculum design and review at the University level.
  • To conduct academic and other quality related audits.
  • To suggest upgradation or changes to academic infrastructure.
  • Provision of good academic flexibility at UG, PG and research levels.
  • To collect and analyse the feedback on curriculum design from all stakeholders.

Teaching Learning and Evaluation

  • Augmentation of resources to motivate the faculty to use ICT based teaching methodology.
  • To conduct different programs for preparing students to appear for various competitive examinations.
  • To strengthen student-oriented teaching methods.
  • To adopt and use the online learning methods.

Research Consultancy and Extension

  • To strengthen research facilities in the institute and motivate faculty to involve in research, by undertaking Major and Minor research projects, publishing research papers in journals having a good impact factor.
  • To organize Refresher courses, workshops, state and national level seminars.
  • To augment research facilities
  • To look into possibilities of consultancy services
  • To enhance the quality of MoUs / Collaborations/Linkages with different industries, institutes for research, field projects, student trainings, teacher training and exchange to create job opportunities for the students.
  • To motivate students to take up research through field projects, in-house projects, publishing research papers in seminars, conferences, workshop etc.
  • To conduct different outreach and extension programme with the help of NSS, NCC and soft skill development.
  • To encourage NCC cadets to opt for further career in defence forces.

Infrastructure and Learning Resources

  • To make improvement in infrastructure facilities like construction of more class rooms and laboratories.
  • To improve the quality of Wi-Fi facility given to the students and the staff.
  • To provide e-learning resources like INFLIBNET, e-journals, e-books to students and teachers.
  • To link library with other library networks of the country.
  • Augmentation of the infrastructural facilities of sports.
  • To look into the possibility of constructing a separate PG building.

Students Support and Progression

  • To conduct soft skill development programme for students.
  • To organize study tours, industrial visits, field visits.
  • To organize and participate in university/ state level/ national and international level sports competitions.
  • To strengthen the placement cell, organise placements camps and to improve the placement services.
  • To strengthen the career counselling and competitive examination guidance centre.
  • To enhance Alumni engagement for the development of institute.

Governance, Leadership and Management

  • Vision and Mission of the institute will be communicated efficiently to all the stake holders.
  • The management and employees will work together for the development of the institute.
  • Faculties will be promoted and motivated to attend the faculty development programmes.
  • Annual performance appraisal system will be formalized for teaching and non-teaching staff.
  • The faculty development programmes for teaching and non-teaching staff will be organized.
  • The external and internal audits will be conducted regularly and periodically.
  • Continuous efforts will be taken to obtain grants from different funding agencies like UGC, DST, RUSA, etc.

Innovation and Best Practices

To initiate following best practices

  • Environment friendly Green Campus
  • Reduce Carbon footprint
  • Rain Water Harvesting for Laboratory Experiments as Distilled Water.
  • To undergo Green Audit and Energy audit of the institute
  • Installation of Solar System
  • Extend the Vermicompost unit
  • To organize programs on Gender Equity and Gender Sensitization